Inherently, as Isaiah Berlin had said, 'the dialectic' has necessity and evil built into it. In this sense evil becomes part of necessity. It is Manichean. Thus the nomenclature is interchangeable from 'settlers', colonists, 'bourgeois', 'white haired white old men' et al. In looking at human rights law- now in a moribund state- one is looking at a justification, by the dialectic, for discrimination (for which see Gordon Allport for the locus classicus, The Nature of Prejudice) which is the ab initio step onto the atrocity paradigm. Settler and colonisor may then become pretexts to disregard, non-person and obviate the dignity of the person and the sanctity of life. That is a proposition that may also run two ways. If I am reading Professor Chantal Delsol correctly, she was arguing that the west has lost a true definition of what it is to be human and the basis for 'the good'. Marxism does not have one either, which made for the massive deaths from communist regimes of the 20thC. What has been overlooked is the the syncretism of Neo Marxism and Islam. It does seem that Hamas, and its form of Islam, for example, has itself been colonised.
Inherently, as Isaiah Berlin had said, 'the dialectic' has necessity and evil built into it. In this sense evil becomes part of necessity. It is Manichean. Thus the nomenclature is interchangeable from 'settlers', colonists, 'bourgeois', 'white haired white old men' et al. In looking at human rights law- now in a moribund state- one is looking at a justification, by the dialectic, for discrimination (for which see Gordon Allport for the locus classicus, The Nature of Prejudice) which is the ab initio step onto the atrocity paradigm. Settler and colonisor may then become pretexts to disregard, non-person and obviate the dignity of the person and the sanctity of life. That is a proposition that may also run two ways. If I am reading Professor Chantal Delsol correctly, she was arguing that the west has lost a true definition of what it is to be human and the basis for 'the good'. Marxism does not have one either, which made for the massive deaths from communist regimes of the 20thC. What has been overlooked is the the syncretism of Neo Marxism and Islam. It does seem that Hamas, and its form of Islam, for example, has itself been colonised.